The Wild Bills beef jerky recipe is a definitive meat tidbit, and there is no deficiency of varieties. Turkey jerky, deer jerky, and bacon jerky are forces to be reckoned with, yet without a doubt, one of the most pursued is Wild Bill’s Meat Jerky.
While Jack Connection and Country Bowman put out fantastic jerky, the appetizing, smokey decency of Wild Bill’s is difficult to beat but not generally simple to find.

Fortunately, jerky is shockingly simple to make at home! With a couple of basic ingredients, you can make this top-notch nibble on your stove, and it will possess a flavor like new hickory-smoked hamburger jerky.

Step-by-step instructions to make Wild Bills beef jerky:

Wild Bill’s is an auxiliary of Monogram Food varieties, which highly value quality and supportability. Thusly, Monogram meat snacks like pork midsection chomps, meat sticks, and hamburger jerky stand apart because of their great


That being said, to make this recipe, purchase the best meat you can source that is reasonably affordable for you. Not exclusively will this assist with taste and surface, yet it will likewise assist with life span.

For this recipe, we’ll utilize flank steak, which is thinly cut lean meat. Flank is generally seen as close to the ground meat in many merchants; nonetheless, attempt to buy your meat from a butcher or at your food merchant’s meat counter if conceivable.

On the off chance that you’re buying your hamburger at a butcher shop or at your food merchant’s meat counter, have the butcher cut the flank into long, flimsy strips. Simply let them know you’re making jerky; they’ll know what to do.

On the off chance that you purchase your steak pre-cut, hammer it out as daintily as conceivable without beating an opening into it (about ⅛ inch thick) and cut it into even strips. Each strip ought to be approximately 3 inches wide.

For the marinade, we’ll utilize soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, dark pepper, earthy-colored sugar, garlic powder, onion powder, and fluid smoke. There is a very sizable amount of salt in the marinade from the sauces, so we don’t have to add extra. A few jerky perfectionists could give you pain over packaged smoke, yet it functions admirably in this application and is critical for getting that notable smoky flavor without utilizing a smoker.

The meat ought to marinate for at least 3 hours and as long as 24 hours. The more it sits, the more delightful it will turn out to be; notwithstanding, a more limited rest time will yield a harder, more bona fide surface.

Finally, the meat strips will go into a 175°F broiler for 3–4 hours until they seem rough and dry.

As may be obvious, it’s a straightforward cycle; however, here are the particulars.

Wild bills beef jerky recipe


1 lb. meat — eye-of-round — or your number one cut (any could work)

1.5 teaspoons of newly ground paper

1 teaspoon of onion powder

1 teaspoon squished red pepper

1/4 cup of Worcestershire

6 cloves of minced garlic

1/4 cup of soy sauce

Stage 1: Meat

For most people, picking the right cut of meat is their greatest test.

I’ve made meat jerky utilizing an assortment of Wild Bill beef jerky, yet the eye-of-round has been my number one the most recent couple of years since it’s a lean cut with negligible fat, bringing about a superior surface. Also, it’s not difficult to cut into slim, uniform strips, guaranteeing, in any event, drying and extraordinary flavor.
London cook, top round, or base round are likewise astounding decisions.
For this recipe, I picked eye-of-round (as seen beneath).

Then, we want to plan around 1 pound of beef.Cut your meat into the most slender possible cuts, trying to eliminate any apparent fat.I suggest cutting the meat into slender cuts, around 1/8 to 1/4 inch thick.
You can likewise purchase pre-cut meat to save time.

For milder jerky, cut the meat the opposite way to that of the muscle strands.
Just put the hamburger in the cooler for 50–60 minutes prior to cutting to help firm it up a little.

Stage 2: Set up Your Marinade

My marinade comprises the following:
• Worcestershire sauce
• Soy sauce
• Onion powder
• Minced garlic
• A blend of new red peppers
Assuming you like hot flavors, you can add additional dark or red pepper on top of the strips when you spread them out to cook.
Attempt to analyze.
Assuming you like better meat jerky, add 2 to 3 tablespoons of earthy-colored sugar rather than additional pepper.

Fixings replacements

On the off chance that you’re making Wild Bill’s Meat Jerky at home yet wind up without a couple of key fixings, just relax! There is a lot of space for replacements.

A large portion of the replacements in this recipe will have a 1-to-1 trade, yet remember, there are no firm standards! To utilize this hickory-smoked hamburger jerky recipe as a base for teriyaki meat jerky or peppered jerky, put it all on the line!

Here are a few proposed trades:

1. Tamari

On the off chance that you don’t have soy sauce close by or are hoping to check your gluten consumption, tamari is an incredible trade.

Tamari is mature without wheat and has a more nuanced flavor than soy sauce, yet it is somewhat less pungent. Assuming you use tamari, add 2 teaspoons of salt to the marinade to represent the salt substance in normal soy sauce.

On the off chance that you need a less extraordinary jerky, tamari is certainly a good job!

2. Smoked paprika

Packaged smoke is definitely not a typical storage space thing, and except if you anticipate making Wild Bill’s Meet Jerky consistently, it isn’t obligatory for this recipe. All things considered, you can use smoked paprika!3. Meet the top round   

Smoked paprika has a huge number of purposes, and it’s considerably more likely that you’ll find it settled in your zest bureau. It will yield a more sensitive smoke flavor and be fundamentally less intense.

In that capacity, use somewhere around 1 tablespoon of smoked paprika, assuming you choose to do without the impersonation smoke.

3. Meet the top round   

On the off chance that you need a very dry and rough jerky, the top round is perfect to use instead of the flank. It has extraordinary flavor in spite of being extraordinarily lean, and it functions admirably in any meat jerky recipe!

Now that your hamburger jerky is all set, now is the right time to contemplate how you will devour it!


Slice the meat into 1/8-inch-thick strips, either with the grain for chewier hamburger jerky or contrary to what would be expected for more delicate hamburger jerky.

3. All the fixings ought to be consolidated together, then, at that point, add the blend into a fixed ziplock pack. Presently, throw the pack until the hamburger is totally covered. 2. I recommend cooling the hamburger for somewhere in the range of 50 to an hour prior to cutting it to make it more straightforward to cut